Blog-speak from an old article
I was going through some old copies of Newsweek this morning and I found the August 24, 2002 issue quite interesting because of an article entitled "Living In The Blog-Osphere". The article goes from page 42 to 45.
The article is interesting in itself already, and perhaps it can still be read at unless it has been taken out altogether from the server. But here's something that I learned about only after reading the article.
A Blogspeak Primer
Blog or Weblog - A personal Web site with brief items-- often with links to other items or articles on the Web -- arranged in reverse chronological order.
Blog-osphere - An alternate universe created by the aggregation of hundreds of thousands of blogs.
Blogrolling - Making a persistent list of links that connect with other blogs. If you suck up to someone in hopes of a link, you're "blognosing."
Permalink - Making a digital mark on an item so that others can link to it directly.
War blog - a post 9-11 Weblog that links to and comments on war-related news.
But the article from Newsweek is two years old and I am wondering whether Blogspeak has evolved much in the meantime. Can anyone update me on this?